How to put a property in the name of an LLC company


If you thought it was impossible to buy a property through your own company, we show you that it is possible! Always with the advice of an accountant or lawyer specialized in international clients who can determine which is the most convenient figure for you.

If your desire is to acquire the property as a vacation home or rental, you can definitely acquire it through a corporate structure. This figure may vary depending on the type of investment and price of the property.

What are the benefits?

The benefits are tax in nature and are reflected when selling the property and in the event of the death of one of the owners, since the tax process can be simpler. In addition, it allows you to reduce the expenses generated by the property.

What is the process that should be assumed?

To acquire a property through a corporation you do not need new processes, they are the same ones that are assumed when you are a natural buyer. You will only need the documents referring to the already established company.

Any process you want to carry out can be done successfully through a real estate professional who will help you. make a perfect purchase and minimize errors.

Remember that you must hire an advisor who can provide you with the legal support you need for this and other financial actions involving your company.

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